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Just wanted to get some feed back info in reference to used A3 Audi hatchback, with just over 100K mileage, auto transmission.

What are the service, repair, maintenance and running costs for above model. It will be mainly driven by a lady, so need to be dependable and reliable. Can spare parts be sourced locally and freely/readily available?

What is your general impression/opinion of above model so that I can make an informed decision with purchase. Also fuel consumption and efficiency.



You don't say what year, but I'm assuming late '90s / early 2000s. This model is based on the Mk4 VW Golf and is essentially the same car with different bodywork. They are nice to drive, economical and spare parts shouldn't pose too much of a problem. However, automatic transmission problems plagued this model and could be expensive to repair. For that reason, there are probably better options out there.


wanted to get some feed-back on fuel economy, mileage, dependability, realiability, mechanical/electrical issues with this model.

1998 Audi A4, 1.8 Quattro, manual transmission, with over 180k+ mileage... since its manual (hopefully there wont be any ECU/CVT issues, this is what I think, i could be wrong here) / if you know or have any further information, can you pls provide.



sorry forgot to add, this is a 4dr sedan not a hatch-back...



OK, so you've changed from looking at an A3 to an A4? Basically, the manual would be a safer bet than an auto, although make sure the clutch is OK.
There are still a few potential electrical issues, but nothing more than other older cars with a high mileage.
Fue economy shouldn't be any worse than other similar size cars - I'd expect around 9L/100km or thereabouts.
Obviously, the biggest issue here is that it's an older car with high mileage, so unexpected problems may present themselves.
Ultimately, it is probably a higher risk that a similar era/mileage Japanese car, but if it's the type of car you really want, shouldn't be overly expensive to service and maintain.


thanks for your reply.

Is there significant difference between A3(1.8) & A4 Quattro (1.8 OR 2.0)?


Is A3 more fuel-efficient/better mileage than an A4?


The A3 will be more fuel-efficient than an A4 quattro.