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Hi, we're looking for a car, not a big car but not too small either. We have a baby so we need space for her and her car seat.

We've been looking for Toyota cars, but I found this Nissan March 2004 and I loved it, but I wonder if it is too small for us.

Our budget is $6,500. What cars would you recommend us to look at?

Thank you very much.


The Nissan March is a good little car but it is very small. If you want something a bit bigger, in this price range the two models that stand out are the Nissan Pulsar and Mazda Familia. You may find the ones in your price range are slightly older than the March you are looking at, but don't let this put you off - they're both models with good reputations for reliability.


Thank you for your quick reply.

I have checked the two models you suggested but couldn't find anything lower than $9,000.

Can I bother you and ask you a suggestion for a Toyota car, please?

Thank you.


I would have thought there were plenty of Pulsars and Familias in this price range - just not 2004 models - they'll be older.
Most Toyota models have a great reputation for reliability but they command a premium price due to the strength of the Toyota brand, therefore I think you'll be paying more for most Toyotas than any of the others we've discussed.