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Hi there.

I am aware there are rules in place regarding importing used cars into New Zealand but I am unsure what they are. I am looking at importing a 1996 skyline with 85000km on the clock from Tokyo as it is much cheaper than purchasing one from NZ, not to mention the much lower milage. Would this comply with NZ entry certification requirements?

If not, is there any possible way to get it on the road legally? loopholes etc.

Again, if not, what CAN I import that will meet NZ entry certification requirements?
e.g. year, make, model etc.



Ahhh.. the old '96 Skyline! We are asked this question on a daily basis.
Basically, vehicles entering New Zealand must meet numerous standards - including exhaust emissions and frontal impact. As a rule of thumb, most Japanese cars from around 2005-2006 on will meet the standards, but an old car such as this will not.
There is a small possibility that you could apply for a Special Interest Vehicle exemption, although the intent of this is for people wanting to bring in a classic car - not for every day use. You must also own another car for daily use.
So to answer your question about what you can import - essentially a late model car that meets the current emission standards. This will have a 3 letter model code on the de-reg papers out of Japan - and is likely to be newer than 2005 - but don't take the year for granted. It's the standards that are important.


Priceless information! Searched high and low for it so thank you! So if I was to apply for a specialist interest exemption for the said vehicle, what is the process for doing so? e.g. Do I already need to own the car before applying, what information do I need to apply, start to finish process.



To apply for a Special Interest Vehicle (SIV) exemption, you need to submit an application, along with the non-refundable fee of $153.35 to NZTA. You do not need to own the vehicle, but the exemption is for a specific vehicle, so you need to provide the vehicle details, VIN etc. You will need to state on the form that you are applying for the exemption subject to purchasing the vehicle upon approval.
Here is a link to the application form.


In your opinion, is it worth applying for the exemption on a 4 door '96 skyline GTS25T type M, or would i be throwing my money away?


In my opinion this is not really the sort of car the SIV permit is intended for and it's highly likely your request would be denied. If it was me, I wouldn't do it but ultimately, it's your decision..