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I moved to NZ last November initially for a year but now looking likely to stay longer so now im thinking about bringing my car over from Ireland.
I have a 2008 2.2 turbo diesel Honda Civic. My biggest concern is that if I wish to sell the car after my stay in New Zealand, will there be a market for it? Its a Type-S and has a great spec but I'm worried that it being a diesel nobody will be looking for one and as such be worth very little when i go to sell it. It's also about $4,500 to ship the car from ireland so I'd rather not pay it twice... Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I'm fearing it costing me a small fortune in shipping and possible poor re-sale value! Thanks.


The Honda Civic diesel will be an orphan in the New Zealand market. You will be better off selling it in Ireland. Any servicing parts would need to be especially shipped in for this vehicle every time it's due for a service or repair.

If you do decide on bringing the vehicle over to New Zealand you should firstly e-mail us at with a copy of the V-5 registration document to confirm if this vehicle meets the necessary standards for entry certification in New Zealand. If it doesn't meet the necessary standards it will only be good for spares.