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Hi, I have an elderly tall man and disabled tall young woman, who's wobbly on her feet. I need a car with enough head height, plus front and back seat leg room. Also the gent currently has a walker, but the young woman may need one soon too. need to also plan for possible wheelchair going into the future, so need a roomy boot space. Prefer automatic, plus economical on petrol. I have thought of a van, but difficult if they have to climb up i nto it. Price up to $12,000
thanks for any advice.


Although you know the specifics of the needs of your passengers better than I do, I would think that a van type vehicle would meet their needs better than a car, as generally it's easier for disabled people to get in and out of a slightly higher vehicle, as the seat height is usually such that they do not need to stoop down to get in or haul themselves up to get out. A van would also be the preference for wheelchairs.
There are several companies specialising in vehicles for this purpose. While I have not had any first hand experience dealing with them, you could start with this company , who have a good reputation for looking after customer's needs.


Hi, thanks for that good advice. I had previously thought of a van, but we had a nissan prairie, she had to climb in, and stoop quite a lot to get into the seat in the back. I wd still prefer a van though. Thanks for letting me know about the car company that specialises in disability vehicles too.