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I have been to see a Mazda Demio Cozy 2003. We test drove it and part way through we went to look at the motor and turned it on and off and the battery went flat. The owners are going to replace the battery but while we were turning the ignition on and off we noticed strange noises. The key turn just before the ignition was turned on (when the dash lights turn on) a noise that sounded like something electric opening or closing was heard. Also when the ignition was turned off a hissing noise sounded, on the right hand side of the engine (when facing the car standing at the front looking towards the back) for about 3 seconds. The car has had aftermarket cd player and navigation systems added, not sure if it could be these. I was wondering if I should be concerned over these noises. The rest of the car seems ok - its done 100 000 kms and is in very good condition etc, non CVT. Asking price is $5500. The rest of the engine seems fine (according to my mechanic father).

I understand it will probably need to be looked at but I was wondering if these noises may have anything do do with the dead battery or something else, and whether is worth trying and AA inspection or whether its not worth pursuing it further.

Also if I get a Pre-Purchase inspection is this something that would be picked up / explained. My father didn't know what it was.

Any feedback would be much appreciated.

Also I noticed that the car has an S and an L gear and I was wondering what these were for. We tried the S gear going up a fairly steep hill and it seemed to help going up so we are thinking its a sports gear or similar?



Without hearing the noises first hand, it's a little hard to say. However, various relays, motors and control modules can activate and de-activate in the event of a flat battery, so it may not be a concern.
We would always recommend a pre-purchase inspection as you don't want to buy something with problems.
"S" stands for Sport - which will hold gears for longer and shift sharper if you want to drive enthusiasticly. "L" will hold the car in low gear, particularly suitable when going down very steep hills or driveways at very low speed. For 99% of your driving, you probably wouldn't use these features at all. Most drivers probably never use them.