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I have a 2003 mazda demio I would like to sell,however, it has rust on various parts of the vehicle which are quite noticeable. I have received quotes ranging in price from $1500 to $1700 to remove the rust. I am concerned that if I do not get the rust removed I will find it difficult to sell the vehicle in its current condition. What would you recommend - should I spend this money out in getting it fixed (and up the sell price by trying recoup what I have spent in repairs) or just try to sell it as is? Mechanically the car is fine - it is just the body that has issues.


It might be better to sell the car, as is, and reduce the price. At least the buyer can see how much rust there is and you will not be hiding anything and you will be gauranteed the $1700 you already have in the bank. You might find a buyer looking for project car.