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I am thinking of buying a volvo s40 in the next 6 months, is there any time that is best please?


I'm assuming you're talking about buying one of the new S40's being launched with pedestrian airbag?
If buying a new car, most people want the latest year's registration, so if you're thinking of buying within the next 6 months, you might want to wait until 2013 and get "next year's model."
Having said that, if you're not fussy about the year, you might get a better deal in December as the dealer may need to meet some targets, so will be prepared to discount. However, this can be false economy in the long run, as the value of a 2012 car will be less than a 2013 when you come to sell in future.


actually i'm thinking of buying an older model maybe as far back as 2006, so does the time of year make any difference?


On that basis it really makes no difference. Used cars tend to be slightly higher in demand coming into the summer months, but overall, there's very little difference.


Thanks very much, is there any years' model that is particularly good or to be avoided please?


To our knowledge, depending on the year you are considering, there's nothing that stands out as being problematic on the later model S40, although they were only sold here in NZ in small numbers.
Early examples up until 2004 shared the platform and numerous components with Mitsubishi, including Mitsubishi's GDi engine on the 1.8 litre models. This engine suffered running problems and is not held in high regard.
Assuming you're looking at 2005 on, they should be fine. Like any used car, it would pay to have it inspected prior to purchase.


Thanks very much for your replies, very helpful. My 2004 S40 has the 2.4 l engine. I always get any potential cars checked by my mechanics, as they'd be dealing with any issues.