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It seems my younger brother has done something a bit silly. He has privately imported a WRX STi from Japan. I haven't seen the paperwork but from the pics it's a 2 door version and seems to be circa mid 90's.
It has arrived in CHCH and LTSA won't sign it off because of a bit rust (fixable) but more problematic it doesn't meet the new emissions regulations. Little bro is playing his cards pretty close to his chest re the arrangement he has with the importer he engaged to bring the vehicle in which would suggest to me he has no come back on them, so can something be done re the emissions? Are there engine/exhaust mods that can be made (probably not) or is there a way he can appeal to LTSA for for some kind of dispensation or has he simply done his dough?!
Thanks for your help.


If it doesn't meet the new regulations then he might consider selling it as spares or use it off-road as a rally car. There is nothing he can do in this case.