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I'm in the market for a used car: a small hatch-back with reasonable safety and fuel economy ratings. However I'm realistic that considering I'm looking at paying about $10 000, the cars in my price range will be 7-10 years old and therefore not as good on safety or fuel ratings as newer models. It will be mostly use around town but every month or so I do longer trips (2-5 hours driving each way).

I'm currently looking at a Mazda demio 2005 - new import from Japan with 51 000kms on it. Is there any major problems you know with this model? I’d be getting it from a dealer and likely buy and extended warranty with it. Is $10 000 a reasonable price to pay for this from a dealer? I'm in a smaller city so that might inflate the price somewhat.

Thanks for your help


The Demio is a popular model with a good reputation for reliability and fuel economy. From a safety perspective, it scored well in ANCAP crash testing (4 stars), although didn't fare so well in the recent Used Car Safety Ratings. However, as you have alluded to, with used cars, there's always a compromise.
The price seems a little on the high side, but they do hold their value well due to the popularity. Having said that, there may be some room for negotiation. There's no reason in this day and age, with on-line vehicle purchasing availabity, why cars should cost more in smaller centres.


Hi Evaro212,

Your post brings to mind a car I recently looked at:

It's in your budget and much younger than the Demio you're considering. 15,000 kms only. I'm not linked to the seller in any way. Just want to share my good experience with my 2001 Suzuki Alto which I've had for about 6 months. It has been reliable and economical, with surprising acceleration. Its seats are also comfortable with good support. I think you'll find the 2010 (current) model vastly superior to mine. You might wish to test drive one and compare it with the 2005 Demio, to see which one you prefer. Cheers :)



I was having a look for a smaller car for my parents and came across a lot of the demios. The price you were quoted seems quite high as the Mada models that preceded the 2, 3 and the 6 ( that is the demio, 323 and 626/Capella) lost quite a lot of their resale value once the new models came out. Being in a smaller centre can also work to your adavantage- I was able to buy a 2003 Mazda 6, done 95km for $8k because the seller was in New Plymouth and there weren't many buyers in a smaller market :)


Being a jap import they come on 1.3L - keep away from them, go for the 1.5L.

Also, any car you look at check with Mazda to make sure it has had its front spring recall done. If it hasn't , Mazda should pay for it anyway