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We are looking to retire our 91' Corolla FXGT done 350,000kms (owned for 12yrs). We are looking for something reliable with a good safety rating and have under $10k to spend. Seen a 2006 Corolla GL station wagon auto with 187,000 for $7600, a good buy or can you suggest something better? We haven't owned an auto before.
We live on a lifestyle block an hour+ drive from the city, have a toddler in a car seat and need to sometimes take the farm dog out too along with having to pick up the odd bale of hay. Yes, our cars take a bit of a hammering.


Those kms are way too high for my liking. There's absolutely nothing wrong with the Corolla Station Wagon as a model and it would probably rate as our first choice for your needs, but go for one with lower k's even if it is an earlier model. Essentially the Corolla/Fielder wagon didn't change much from around 2001, so try to find one with the lowest mileage you can.
Other models you could consider might be Mazda 323/Famia or Nissan Pulsar.