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A few months back I read an article (NZ Herald???) about a UK business that arranges purchase of used cars in UK and delivery of them to NZ for NZ buyers. I've lost the web site address link and my searching skills have let me down. Do you know of the site I'm looking for?


We are not aware of any companies that specifically offer this service, however, I'm sure most used import dealers could assist.


OK, thanks. I know they're out there somwhere. Will have to keep searching....


Perhaps I should have clarified, there are no such operators we can recommend.
There will surely be some opperating but we would recommend dealing with a NZ based licensed motor vehicle dealer rather than an off shore based individual, offering to source cars to send to New Zealand.
Many cars sourced out of the UK require remedial work to get through the NZ compliance process, due to climatic conditions in the UK (harsh winters, salted roads etc). It's not uncommon to have to spend money replacing corroded brake lines, brake and suspension components and other underbody items which can cost considerable sums.
Buying from a NZ licensed dealer will ensure the compliance commitments are met, any rectification is done and that the car is road-ready, registered and WOF'd for you to drive away. Plus you are covered by the Consumer Guarantees Act, should faults occur.
Off-shore based suppliers will usually offer to source the vehicle, inspect it in the UK, then put it on a ship for you to collect and deal with getting it on the road in NZ - no guarantees.
While many of the cars will be fine, you have no comeback if they're not.
With currency being favourable for Kiwi buyers at present, we are seeing large numbers of cars coming from the UK - some are fine, others are not.
So in short, companies that pop up overseas to ship cars here when currency is favourable are often short-lived, opportunistic operations that will close down just as quickly when currency swings the other way. We're not saying the company you are refering to necessarily falls into this category, but it's a case of "buyer beware" if you're dealing with operators who are not obligated to meet the requirements of NZ consumer law.


Thanks for that. The organisation concerned was reportedly set up by a couple who had lived for some time in Chch but decided to return to the UK in the wake of loosing home & livelihood due to recent shaking down there. Their service included arranging independent inspection of the car and handling all issues related to customs & NZ compliance, so certainly looked comprehensive. Their apparent familiarity with NZ requirements made them look kosher. That said, if I do track them down, your comments have made me more inclined to do some checking of their credentials before sending any money. My searching has revealed an NZ-based company offering very similar service, so may well be the better bet for all of the reasons you've outlined. Again, thanks.


A friend of mine purchased a rare BMW 850ci Msport v12 from the UK about 5 years ago and paid alot for it. It under went checks in the UK and he was told it was fine.

On arrival in NZ it failed compliance and will cost him about $30k to get it on the road! It still sits in his garage collecting dust.

As said, due to the harsh weather conditions in the UK corrosion is a big thing to be careful about if you go down this road.