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Hello I'm looking at buying a 2006 Subaru Gt with 72000km,
Is there any problems you know of this model , I know the early legacys had a lot .


Generally speaking, the 2.0 litre Legacy has been a fairly reliable model. Like all cars (but perhaps, more so for Subaru) a known and full service history is preferable and steer clear of cars that have been modified, particularly air intake systems etc.
Pay attention to the tyres as the AWD system doesn't cope well with mixtures of tyre types and sizes, and damage can be caused if incompatile type tyres are used.
Import models are a favourite with car thieves as they have little in terms of security systems. NZ New models have factory installed immobilizers and data dot application, so are a far better option as they are not such easy pickings for thieves.


Hello again
I thought even the imports come with factory installed immobilizes..
Or am I wrong bout this?.


No, you are right, I am wrong! Our sources at Subaru tell us that from 2004/5 on the GT and six cylinder models had the immobilizer. Lower models in the range did not have them, neither did higher models prior to 2004.
Always happy to be corrected!