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I have just read the review on the new SKYACTIV-D . I am looking at buying a vehicle and hadn't considered diesel. The better low down torque on diesel was new info for me .

I travel 150km per day in Auck (East Auckland to Albany) -with a lot of it in slow moving traffic.
I could get a small vehicle but may take wife & 2 little ones on trips on holday.

Is an engine like this going to handle Auck commuting well?


It seems you will be covering more mileage than the average NZ driver, and will be doing mostly stop/start traffic and some motorway driving. For these reasons, the SKYACTIV-D option will be a good choice for you. The SKYACTIV-D technology has managed to produce low soot emissions, and therefore it is not fitted with any expensive to repair exhaust aftertreatment system, which normally require certain driving conditions to burn off the excess soot.