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We are looking at two Mazda Atenza 23Sports. One is a 2005, done 93,000km's, $14,500 and the other is a 2004, done 64,000km's, for $18,500. Is it better to buy the newer model with the higher km's or vice versa? I'll prob do about 6,000km a year in it and will hold on to it for 5 years give or take. So which would be better for resale in that time, given the added mileage. And the obvious whopping $4K difference.


In this case, the year is of less importance as they're only one year apart, one being 7 years old, the other 8, and the older the cars get, the less important the year will become.
The lower mileage car would be the preference, however the extra $4k is a consideration too. At 6,000km per year, your usage is very low, so the higher mileage car will have done approx 123,000km in 5 years and the other one 94,000km, which will be an attraction being still under 100,000km.
However, the $4k purchase price difference is likely to be eroded, with a price differential being considerably less when the overall value of the vehicle is only likely to be perhaps around $6k (at a guess). Then again, you may strike a little more maintenance on the higher mileage car.
So there's no right or wrong answer really. I'd prefer the lower mileage car, but when you take depreciation over 5 years into account, it is likely to cost a little more.


Thank you! It does feel like much of a muchness. Just to clarify two points you made;

a) when you say a 'the $4k purchase price difference is likely to be eroded, with a price differential being considerably less when the overall value of the vehicle is only likely to be perhaps around $6k' - are you saying that in 5 years the depreciation will offset the extra $4K? So better to spend less on the higher mileage car?

Re; Maintenance on the newer car; is it worth buying a3 year warranty from a Mazda Dealer?


The percentage difference between the value of the two cars may be similar, but the dollar value diminishes. For example, one may be worth $6,500 and the other $5,500, so the $4k difference reduces to only $1k.
Regarding the 3 year warranty, while the higher mileage car is a slightly higher risk, it's not a hugely different proposition. If the budget runs to it, the warranty will give you peace of mind whichever car you buy.


Many thanks!