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Is it true what the car dealers are telling me? To hurry and buy a vehicle a now before the prices of cars older than 2005 are forced up due to the new carbon emission trading law? Reason being, they say, is that cars older than 05 are no longer allowed to be imported so there will be a mad rush by those of us unable to afford the later models for the older models - pushing the current prices up by a couple of thousand.

I'm very keen on a 2004 Mazda Tribute but feel a little panicked to rush in and buy because of what the dealers are saying/predicting/spinning.


The AA does not expect the price of used cars already in NZ to increase as there are already plenty of older used vehicles in NZ. So you should not be pressured into buying the model you are keen on. It is true that no more 2004 Mazda Tributes will be able to be imported under the new Emissions Rule, but there are already plenty available on the used car market, be it dealers or private sellers. Also, dealers stockpiled older models (imported under the former emissions standard) in anticipation of the new rule so if anything you should be able to negotiate a good price as they will be keen to shift stock.

See our previous post on this topic:


Thanks very much for the response. Unfortunately, I allowed myself to be pressured and rushed into making a decision - and read your response too late. However, I'm happy with the vehicle but not sure it's worth what I paid which was the asking price. $14,985. If you have the time and are able would you mind giving me your opinion on the price I paid? I know it's too late to change things - I'm just very curious to know if I paid too much or got a good or fair deal - especially now that it seems I've made a rash decision. Thanks in advance.


We have checked the price on the Red Book Dealer guide, and while it doesn't have a listing for the 2004 Mazda Tribute 2.3, we checked the 2004 Ford Escape 2.3, as it's essentially the same vehicle.
You will be pleased to know that the retail price is listed at $16,650, so it seems that you got quite a fair deal.


Thanks so much. I feel less of a 'push-over' now.

This is such a great service. The benefits of an AA membership are fantastic. Will now consider switching my insurance policy over to AA.

Once again, big thanks.