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Hi, there. I am looking for this BMW 320i 2006 Manuel model. Would like to know if there is any faulty and disadvantage of this model. Thanks!


We are not aware of any issues with the 320i Manual. To our knowledge, the E90 320i has been a good reliable model. While there is nothing from a reliability perspective we are aware of, a manual one will be something of an oddity in New Zealand as most psople buy auto's here. We suspect a manual one is likely to be a UK import.


Hi, thank you so much for you reply! You are right, it imported, but from Japan. Does E90 is better reliable than its fromer model and less fuel consumption? Thanks!


Yes, E90 320i should be more fuel efficient than E46 320i (which was not offered new in New Zealadn). The E46 was a 6 cylinder, whereas the E90 is a 4 cylinder.


Do you know which car is reliable between bmw320i 2005 vs mercedes benz c180 2005 both at about 60000km? which is value for money?


Both cars should be fairly similar, so it comes down to personal preference really. Ideally, NZ New with full service history would be the preference - try to avoid Singapore Imports.


From my research through internet found most people got complaint on the BMW 320i 2005 compared to the MBZ C180K 2005. It can be found in this blog;