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Hi There,

I am looking into buying a car. The two vehicles im looking at are both Volkswagon Golfs. One is 2001 with 73,500 km on the clock and imported, and the other is a 2000 with 75,000km on the clock. What are your thoughts on VW Golfs, have you heard of bad experiences with them. Also are they reasonable to maintain money wise? Are there any other car models you would suggest. Am looking for a car around $8,000 with less than 85,000km on the clock.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts.



If they are automatics I would tread very carefully as they do not have the greatest reputation for reliability and repairs are expensive. Anything with a turbo fitted may be best to avoid in this price range also.

You are in a difficult price range as I suspect most of the popular vehicles will have high mileages registered against them which may make your 85K limit a struggle to achieve.

The following vehicles may appeal; Mazda 323, Ford Focus, Honda Civic, Toyota Caldina or Corolla.