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We are looking at selling our 2006 Nissan Pulsar Euro and getting a bigger car. We have been looking at 2005 models and newer of the Nissan Maxima, Hyundai Sonata and the Toyota Camry up to $17000. Which of these would be the best overall car? I know the fuel consumption in the Maxima is more than the Sonata, there are pros and cons in different areas hence the reason I am asking about the overall - fuel, maintenance, parts, reliability etc. Or if there are any other cars in the similar category that you think would be good to look at please?

My husband suggested cars like Nissan Skyline and Primeras or Toyota Altezzas or Avensis which I am not that keen on, what is your expert opinion please?

Thank you


On paper the Maxima, Sonata and the Camry get my vote over the other makes/models you mention.

Any difference in fuel consumption would be very minimal in fact Hyundai in general struggled in this area with their engine technology in the mid 2000's.

None of these cars would win prizes for street appeal but they are all proven performers and provided they have been well serviced will be equal in terms of reliability.

I suggest you also take a close look at the Honda Accord Euro. They match the others in every department and win on looks in my view.