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We are involved in running a youth programme and part of that involves taking youth tramping. Occasionally we need to get to track starts that require a vehicle more suitable than my Estima. What would you recommend as a reliable 2nd hand model to look out for. It will not be used often so I am not looking for brand new here. In fact probably $5-10,000 if such a thing exists!

To be honest I cant think of a vehicle that may suit your requirements. You don't say how many people you need to carry but I suspect its half a dozen at least.
Your budget is not great but even spending a little more doesnt make it too much easier. I would be nervous recommending an old diesel for example.
Can I suggest you make contact with a tramping club and ask them what sort of vehicles they use.

Thanks for that. Worht ashot to get an idea and your idea is a good one.