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I have been looking around for a new car for a while and have found that many places who offer trade ins , minimum trade guarantee etc, seem to stack the price up to compensate for the trade value.
Is this common practise or have I been visiting the wrong yards?


You need to look at every deal offered on its merits and how it benefits you.

Often minimum trade-in offers are a good way to get rid of an old car that is well past its used by date.

The bottom line for many is simply the change over price when it comes to trade-in time. If the buyer is happy then that’s all that matters.

Often its swings and roundabouts for the Dealer as well. They can make little or nothing on a trade but pick up enough profit on the sale to make it a good all-round deal and vice versa.

If a deal sounds to could to be true however, it probably is.