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I am looking to purchase a NZ new 2004 vehicle which has 2009 standard registration plates fitted.

When questioned, the dealer said that one of the plates was damaged by a tow bar on the used car yard and had to be replaced with new plates.

Surely one is able to surrender the damaged plate and have it replaced with a remake of the original number?

The new plates suggests the car has been de-registered at some time, or is a used import?

Could you please clarify the rules regarding replacement of damaged plates.


From the "Ask Jack" archives - 22 December, 2010


The dealer could be telling the truth as you cannot purchase a direct replacement plate. When one plate has been damaged or both plates are stolen for example, a complete new set are issued.

You should check this out thoroughly however to satisfy yourself everything is above board.

I suggest one of the easiest things to do is purchase a AA Vehicle History report which will provide you with an in-depth history of the car including any change in registration plates.

If the car has been written off, the report should state the vehicle has been re-registered. The report can also show the vehicle as being re-registered if the registration had expired and the vehicle needed to go through a compliance inspection which involves the fitting of new plates.

If the report simply showed a change then it could be the vehicle once had personalised plates fitted (which will show on the report) or the originals have been damaged or lost.

The date the plate was changed will be displayed also.

If the vehicle is a used import this will be indicated on the Vehicle History report

Remember also; when a car is involved in an accident and is deemed to be repairable, often the number plates are replaced if they have suffered as a result of the damage to the vehicle. The fact the car has been in an accident will not show on the History report.

If you still feel uncomfortable after viewing the report then get the car checked out by a panel beater or walk away.


Thanks a lot for your information. My situation and question are as below:

At the time i signed the contract, I was happy with the report (no written-off, no insurance claim, ...) the car still has one year new car warranty plus 3 year mechanical protection plan; and Factory Approved Extended Warranty Insurance is available. The dealer shown and assured me that there was no major accident; and the plate was possibly damaged by a minor collision in a car park. I did a test drive and I feel it's OK.

Now (2 days later), I think again and want to cancel the contract because "no insurance claim" does not mean "no car accident" etc.

What can I do?

Many Thanks


You cannot reject a vehicle due to buyer’s remorse.

If the vehicle has been involved in an accident and you can prove it, and the dealer has withheld this information, then you will have a case to take to dispute.


Thanks a lot for your advice. I had the car professionally checked out and it's OK. The suspicious signs we reckoned were valid but largely due to the dealer's carelessness in his display. He was not cheating.

Thanks a lot again.