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Hi there,

Just have a question regarding an AA vehicle inspection report. When the report summary states "fair condition for age & mileage, may require unplanned maintenance or repair", should we be worried? I appreciate you probably can only talk in general terms, but what constitutes a "fair condition"?

Thanks for your help.


I would think that a "fair condition" means that the vehicle passes a wof today but you may find that there could be extra repairs and maintenance with every wof and service, just to keep the vehicle on the road from here on in. This could be said of an older vehicle with higher mileage "showing its age" so to speak.


Hi Cade,

Thanks for your explanation. This query is in relation to a vehicle that I am interested in purchasing, which is a 2011 vehicle with very low mileage. Should we proceed with caution given the summary report from AA?


Hi there,
In this scenario, it may be that the vehicle has not been treated well or even serviced for it "low Km" life. I would expect the price to reflect the vehicle condition and not want to pay top $ for it, but yes proceed with caution and be aware that you might save a few dollars but also spend a few over the next little while in maintenance.