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We are selling our Toyota Vitz, imported 2012. The potential buyer has been told by her bank that the car has been flagged as being 'imported with structural damage'. However we have the AA Appraisal (done a month after import) which has no record of this. My question is: where would I get this information our car? (ie. where did the bank find out)? And why hasn't this flag been removed from the record, as the car has always passed inspections since? Thank you.


Hi there,
An AA history check should tell you if it still flagged as damaged:
Or the NZTA might have it on record:
The Appraisal is a small dealer-only inspection of a select few vehicle items to give the dealer an indication into the condition of a vehicle before being displayed for sale. I imagine the dealer already knew the vehicle compliance history, if the damage flag was not removed then the dealer must mention this on the CIN card displayed in the vehicle window (NZ law). If the damage or repairs were able to be seen, then they would have been mentioned in a Pre-purchase inspection if this was carried out prior to purchase. If the damage was beyond a certain threshold, the flag can be removed if requested, but this is up to the repair certifier and dealer at point of compliance. It is possibly not a warrant inspection issue and the repairs may not even be detectable, but it is recorded in the vehicle history as having damage or evidence of repairs upon entry into NZ.


Very helpful thank you Cade. I just got the AA History check and it says 'Imported as Damaged'. The dealer did not tell us this so I will contact him.What are my rights here? I still don't understand how a car with 'obvious structural damage' can pass 5 years of WOF tests. What kind of inspection should I get done now? Thank you


Hi there,
I would be asking to see the CIN card, the dealer wouldn't actually tell you but the CIN card should have been ticked as having been damaged.
It may not be 'obvious structural damage' as such, it can be flagged for even some relatively minor repairs or damage. For the car to be put on the road here in the first place, it would need to have been repair certified, which means that a certifier has deemed it repaired to a satisfactory level. So bottom line is that the car has a history but does not necessarily mean it currently is unsafe or even able to physically be detected that it was in fact ever damaged, hence the wof inspections never mentioning it.


As well as the AA Appraisal the car has an AA 'Vehicle Compliance Certificate' (or is this the same thing?) which says 'Structure' was checked. Can I assume from this that the repairs were done? Or is there some kind of 'repair certification'? (ie. Proof of repair).
Thanks again Cade


The Appraisal an inspection purchased by the dealer after the vehicle has been entry certified. Vehicle compliance certificate information is obtained through the initial inspection (the AA has compliance centres) before the dealer can register the vehicle or sell on the yard. The compliance inspection is purchased by the dealer and so information on the compliance inspection will only be given out to them.
Structure is checked at the border in NZ and at the entry certification process, if damage or repairs are detected at either inspection, a repair certificate must be issued in order for the vehicle to pass this point. The certifier will either monitor the repairs or check that the repairs are satisfactory before issuing the certificate.


Great. Since I have the Compliance Certificate, can I get this damage 'flag' removed from the AA History Report?


Thank you. Done.
Many thanks for your clear and helpful responses.