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I have a 1994 Toyota Corolla station wagon, which has never broken down or needed repairs in the 21 years that I've had it. However, I'm aware that its safety features are minimal, and that it's not economic to run. I'm looking for suggestions re makes/models of used cars I could look at. I'm 74 yrs old, but still use my car to carry firewood, bags of compost etc, so it needs to have a good boot capacity, and preferably a flat deck so that I can slide heavy objects in/out. I don't do long road trips any more - the furthest I'd go is about 150 km, and most of my driving is around town. Safety features are important, as are reliability and fuel economy. I don't want the expense of a new vehicle, but would be looking for a recent model with a low mileage.


Hi there,
If you love the Corolla, then you may just want to stick with the same but get a NZ new Corolla GL wagon or Hatchback of say 2007? Without knowing your budget it's a bit hard to know where to begin. You can get one with moderate km's for around the $8,000 dollar mark, as an example.
There will be a more modern equivalent that should suit your budget. Trade me is a good place to get an idea of what you may like and prices people are asking.