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I have just got tints from a tinting business out of the phone book. I asked for the darkest legal tints available. When my boyfriend went to get a WOF from the VTNZ they were a little hesitant and suggested I may have trouble in the future. Will anyone actually test the light meter reading for me so I can sort this out now, as in they did pass the car I can't go back to the tint guy. But i don't want any problems with future warrants over this.


The law states the tint must have a VLT (Visual Light Transmittance) of at least 35%. This should have been measured when you were issued with the WoF and as the vehicle passed, presumably it's within allowable VLT limits.
Perhaps the company who applied the tints could provide you with written confirmation as to the VLT. However, don't expect any future WoF tester to accept any letter at face value as they will have no way of knowing whether or not you have subsequently changed the tint film. Therefore, every time you go for a WoF inspection, the VLT will be tested.


I've had numerous tinting done to various cars. As I understand it, testing stations often have light meters to check the VLT rating, bearing in mind that the total VLT rating should not exceed 35 VLT, so bearing in mind a lot of vehicles have some form of minimal tint in the glass, this is taken into consideration by the installers. I've never been challenged on mine and have used a range of different testing locations. Apart from my latest installation, any professional installer should have placed a round sticker somewhere to the bottom corner of the drivers door. This has a tick and certifies that the tinting does not exceed 35VLT, including within that the original tint in the glass, so the actual film rating would probably be 38VLT [from memory] The higher the number, the lighter the tint as it is letting more light through the film/glass, so combined with the existing manufacturers tint should come back to about 35. When going for your WOF I would recommend taking your sales receipt with you. This will clearly show [or should show!] the VLT applied & shouldn't be challenged if it is on an invoice clearly indicating the installation was carried out by a professional installer/Company. They can always phone the tinting Company to confirm the details. Hope this helps add a bit to the AA feedback given to you.