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We are older drivers. Will a navman help us to be better drivers because we will have more confidence about reaching our destination and thus drive more confidently or will be distracted by looking at the navman? If it will give us more confidence then I would like one!! Thank you


The major car navigation brands have been working nonstop to develop more untuitive car navigation units. There are entry level models with very few features which are designed to be very easy to use for people that are not particularly computer literate.

As an older driver you may wish to consider a larger display if eyesight is a consideration. The key is to enter your destination before you start driving. Look for a device that ‘speaks’ the street names in the instructions and you will quickly find that you are able to rely on what you hear and will only need to glance at the display for confirmation from time to time.

If you buy a quality branded product you will quickly learn to trust its instructions and also that they are very forgiving, so that if you miss a turn, it will patiently guide you to the next safe option to return you back on your path. Driving with a map book and looking for street signs as well as managing the vehicle and traffic is probably more stressful.