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We just bought an imported Bailey Pageant Bordeaux caravan and installed a high raised tow bar on our Nissan X trail (as advised)
Now the caravan is in an angle when it is hooked on. ,the back is lower than the front of the caravan.
Will that do any harm to car or caravan, if so how can we get that fixed?

Hi there,
It might be best to see a tow bar specialist, there might be an option to change the caravan drawbar or coupling to even things up.

Hi Pien, well done on fitting the al-ko towball. Your anti-sway coupling would not function correctly without the raised towball.
If your caravan is sitting "nose up" now, you run the very real possibility of incurring a situation called "snaking" which is another term for swaying, and if bad enough, can lead to serious accidents.
I have been in the same situation as you and purchased a "alumistinger" tow hitch off trademe. These are designed to fit a 2' square receiver in your towbar and come in 2,4,6 & 8" drops. Well worth the money and peace of mind.