Why work at the AA
The AA is a great place to work with people who are passionate about what they do and the people they work with.
The AA is much more than its Roadservice roots. We offer vehicle testing services, WoF's, vehicle repairs and service, driver licensing, driver education, tourism, insurances, advocacy, advice and many Member benefits that include fuel discounts, free professional eye checks, and free maps.
We exist to provide excellent service, guidance and value to our 1.7 million Members - this is the heart of the AA and defines everything we do.
With almost 1000 employees as well as different contracting opportunities this means there are a variety of careers available through the AA.
Our vision
To make AA Membership truly indispensable.
AA values
Our values describe how we act with our Members and customers.
We communicate
We're a large and diverse organisation with staff throughout the country, so regular communication is important to us. In addition to regular team meetings and staff publications, we also have an intranet which is the centre of our communication base. There is information on all areas of the organisation, updated regularly, ranging from operational updates and new benefits, to details of new directions a division may be taking.