Annual General Meeting

The AA’s Annual General Meeting is generally held in March each year on the eve of the Annual Conference.

At the AGM, the AA President speaks about issues of importance to the Association, the minutes of the previous meeting are approved, the annual report and balance sheet are presented for approval, the Auditors appointed, and the membership of the National Council announced.

Occasionally, Special General Meetings will be held for members to approve special business in between Annual General Meetings.

AGM Agenda

The 2025 Annual General Meeting

The 33rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of The New Zealand Automobile Association (Incorporated) (the Association) will be held:

Date:                     Thursday, 27 March 2025

Time:                    6:30 pm

Location:             Maitai 2 Room, Rutherford Hotel, 27 Nile Street, Nelson, 7010


All personal AA Members, who have paid their annual subscription in full, are welcome to attend the AGM in person. Entry to the AGM requires a valid AA Membership card to be shown. 


  1. To approve the Minutes of the 2024 Annual General Meeting.
  2. To receive and adopt the Annual Report and Balance Sheet for the period ended 30 June 2024 and the Auditor’s report.
  3. To appoint an Auditor of the Association.
  4. To adopt the Constitution.
  5. To approve re-registration under the Incorporated Societies Act 2022.
  6. To receive notice of the National Councillors appointed by each District Council to commence office following the conclusion of the AGM.
  7. To transact any other business of which due notice has been given or which is otherwise provided for by the Rules of the Association.

Members are entitled to view the documents referred to in 1, 2, and 4, above. The material is available to view at all AA Centres, and on request via email at

Voting Options

Members, who are entitled to attend and vote, have the option to vote on the items of business at the AGM by:

  • appointing a proxy to vote on their behalf at the AGM by delivering a completed Proxy Form by 6:30pm on Tuesday, 25 March 2025, by email to and addressed to the attention of the Chief Executive Officer. To request a copy of the Proxy Form, please contact, or
  • voting in person at the AGM.

Asking Questions

Members shall have a reasonable opportunity to ask questions and make comments on items of business that are put to the AGM.

Marcus McClosky
General Counsel and Association Secretary