The Bay of Plenty AA District encompasses the Coromandel, Eastern Waikato including Morrinsville, Putaruru through to Taupo, and East Cape.
Our BOP AA District Council works on behalf of AA Members in our region.
We currently (mid-2024) have over 94,000 personal AA Members that live in the AA Bay of Plenty District.
The AA District Council works on behalf of our Members in all matters of transport policy and advocacy, which includes a wide range of motoring, mobility and movement projects through our region.
We work closely with both local and central government on the very real issues that face us daily with our roading network and safety, public transportation, cycleways, pedestrian and mobility access.
We are interested in hearing from AA Members about transport concerns, both local and national issues, and will endeavour to assist where and when we can.
This map shows approximate boundaries for our AA Bay of Plenty District.
Area Manager: Heather Kerr, Tauranga AA Centre
Find out about the Takitimu North Link Project (on the SH2 corridor between Waihi and Tauranga)