AA Bay of Plenty District Council

The AA’s Bay of Plenty District Council represents AA Members living from Opotiki in the south east to Taupo in the south west and to the Coromandel in the north.

The council works on projects that improve the safety, efficiency and sustainability of motoring for AA Members and other motorists within the region.

Working on behalf of AA Members

Pullover Places

Many slower motorists, particularly visitors in motor homes, are happy to pull over and let vehicle build-up pass. However, there are often no places to do so and where there are they are not signed, so are passed before drivers realise they are there. There are numerous places where areas could be made with relatively small cost, and with warning signs would contribute to convenience and road safety. Useful for stopping to answer cellphones as well. If you have identified any areas these places may work please contact District Manager Heather Kerr (hkerr@aa.co.nz)

Sun Strike

There are numerous sites where sun strike is potentially dangerous at certain times of the year and while many are known by locals they are potentially dangerous for visitors. Council is asking that such sites be identified and warning signs erected, we already have some examples of these in the region. The Council has also prepared press releases which are distributed in local media to raise awareness of the problem and potential measures to reduce sun strike impact when driving. This has been picked up nationally with the AA publishing national media releases as well.

Road safety

The AA District Council is involved in numerous local road safety issues as they arise, raising awareness, advocating for education and lobbying for road improvements like passing lanes and intersection improvements. One of the key areas that the BOP Council are focussed on is raising awareness of the dangers of texting and driving.

District Councillors

The District Councillors are: 

  • Stacey Spall (District Chair)
  • Ron Scott (National Councillor, Vice Chair)
  • Peter Bedford
  • Chris Douglas
  • Philip King
  • Marie Rutherford
  • Colin Pratt
  • Glen Crowther

Contacts for AA Members

District Manager: Heather Kerr, Tauranga AA Centre

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