AA Southland District Council

The AA’s Southland District Council represents AA Members living in the wider Southland region bordered by the towns of Tautuku in the east, Fairlight in the north, Fiordland National Park in the west and Stewart Island in the south.

Working on behalf of AA Members

How we operate: roading advocacy

The AA Southland District Council maintains strong links with the region’s Territorial Authorities (TAs) and Waka Kotahi-NZ Transport Agency (the Transport Agency, NZTA).  Regular update meetings are held with these organisations to receive a briefing on their activities particularly in relation to road safety, maintenance and improvement projects. 

The AA Southland District Council makes submissions on behalf of AA Members on various regional plans including the TA’s Long Term Plans, Regional Land Transport Plans, State Highway Improvement Plans and road safety planning.  The AA Council is regularly consulted when improvement projects are being developed and provide comment and suggestions to these projects.

AA Members do not recognise AA District boundaries when they travel and as such the Southland AA Council also takes a strong interest in the Queenstown and Central Otago district, being an area Southland members travel to frequently with many having properties in the region or now living in the area following retirement. This is facilitated by maintaining regular communication with the AA Otago and AA Lakes District Councils. 

The Southland AA Council makes comment and takes every opportunity to have input to national AA policy through regular policy circulars distributed by the national AA Motoring Affairs team based in Wellington.

Road safety and driver education

The AA Southland District Council takes a keen interest in the activities of Road Safety Southland in the field of driver education and delivery of safety messaging.  The Council studies and supports driver education reforms with a particular focus on young drivers. As opportunities arise, the Council submits opinion to enhance road safety and driver education, and where possible works with other driver education sectors and supports research that is undertaken.

The AA District Council supports any initiative deemed appropriate for our local area that promotes road safety and driver education.

Areas of particular focus at present include any Speed Management proposals, and how the newly released Road to Zero road safety strategy will be implemented in the Southland region.

Monitoring the cost of motoring

The AA Southland District Council studies national data and talks with relevant government policy makers to ensure the cost of motoring is fair and equitable. This includes promoting and monitoring information related to AA PetrolWatch.

AA Southland history

The AA Southland District Council researches and conserves branch history to promote and preserve our history.

District Councillors

The District Councillors are: 

  • Chris Peddie (National Councillor)
  • Neil McKenzie (Chairman)
  • Russell Hawkes (Vice Chair)
  • Brett Flintoff (AA Vice President)
  • Geoffrey Snow
  • Neil Madden
  • Grant McDonald
  • Doug Davidson
  • Hartley Hare

Contacts for AA Members

District Manager: Bailey Anderson, Invercargill AA Centre