The AA’s Otago District Council represents AA Members living in the Otago region.
The AA Otago District Council is actively involved in the ‘Shaping the future of Dunedin Transport’ project with the Dunedin City Council (DCC) and other agencies.
This encompasses the Dunedin hospital rebuild which will have a major impact on traffic flow and parking within Dunedin. Getting this right now will be critical for the future to ensure that Dunedin can continue to expand and grow.
The AA Otago District Council is also working closely with the DCC on complex issues associated with making the Octagon and George Street more pedestrian friendly while still enabling traffic to flow smoothly around the city and businesses to operate efficiently.
The AA Otago District Council has responded to the exceptional growth that has occurred in the Queenstown Lakes District in recent decades by helping to establish an AA Lakes District Council in 2021 to better represent AA Members living in this area.
AA Otago maintains close ties with the AA Lakes District Council, as well as with AA Councils in North Otago and Southland, which ensures all AA Members throughout the wider southern part of the country are represented.
The AA Otago District Council has continued its partnership with the Otago Motor Club Trust to subsidise Defensive Driving Courses for high school students throughout the region using AA accredited driving instructors. Funding from the Otago Motor Club Trust enables about 200 students to do a Defensive Driving Course each year
The AA Otago District Council has developed strong links with the Dunedin City Council and NZTA and meets regularly with both organisations to advocate on areas of concern to AA Members, both within Dunedin and regionally.
Examples of this advocacy include making submissions on vehicle access to John Wilson Drive and detailed submissions to the Regional Transport Committee regarding the Regional Land Transport Plan where AA Otago has pushed for improvements to the Albertown Clutha bridge, improvements to Ballantyne Road in Wanaka, support for more passing lanes on SH8 between Clarkes Junction and Roxburgh and an early start to replacement of the Beaumont bridge on SH8.
The District Councillors are:
District Manager: Dallas Hamilton, Dunedin AA Centre