The AA’s Nelson District Council represents AA Members living within Nelson City and Tasman District, which includes Golden Bay.
Eastern: SH6 at the Rai Saddle and on SH63 near Lake Rotoiti
Southern: Boundary Road on SH65 between Murchison and Springs Junction
Western: Eight Mile Creek on SH6 between Murchison and Westport
The AA Nelson Council meets monthly to discuss and debate a wide range of motoring/mobility issues, assisted by the expertise of the Association’s Wellington based Transport, Policy and Advocacy team.
The Nelson AA District Council engages regularly for updates and discussions with the Nelson City and Tasman District Councils regarding local roading/transport issues, and NZTA for state highways. It also keeps abreast of the activities of the Joint Nelson Tasman Regional Land Transport Committee and attends their meetings on a regular basis.
Road maintenance, road safety, speed management, cycling/walking and public transport etc are all topics discussed within our AA Council.
AA Nelson District Council makes submissions on behalf of AA Members on Nelson and Tasman Long Term Plans, Regional Land Transport Plans and provides feedback on many other project consultations and issues impacting not only AA Members but all reasonable motorists and other mobility modes.
SH6 Nelson
AA Nelson has always supported a safe, secure and resilient alternative route (known as the Southern Arterial) through Nelson City. This would link Queen Elizabeth Drive north of the city and Whakatu Drive to the south. That this has been subject to many studies at great cost over the years, and has not yet been progressed, has been a disappointment to many and detrimental to Nelson’s development.
SH6 Richmond
With the high level of population growth and development, the SH6/Queen Street intersection is a serious impediment to the movement of traffic not only along the state highway corridor but also on local Richmond roads. All mobility types need to be better provided for.
AA Nelson District Council’s vision for the future of this area is:
We welcome the inclusion of the Hope Bypass as a Road of National Significance (RON) in the Government Policy Statement (GPS) on Land Transport 2024-2034.
Submissions to Road Controlling Authorities
We have submitted to these plans based on AA Member surveys wanting better road maintenance, resilient road networks and greater safety on regional highways. Also, that planning for the Southern Arterial Route should take priority over committing an estimated $228m on the SH6 Rocks Road/Waimea Road projects.
Nelson Tasman Speed Management Plan 2024-2034
We support speed reductions around schools and with signage displayed electronically during school hours. We do not support blanket speed limits but consider speed limits may be warranted in specific cases where clear evidence shows a need.
Nelson 10-year Plan 2024-2034
We have asked that the Suffolk Road/Hill Street extension be added to the Plan.
Tasman 10-year Plan 2024-2034
In response to TDC’s options, our preferences are for investment to maintain the sealed road conditions, reduced safety for pedestrians/cyclists (following the recent major upgrades), and to maintain existing public transport services with expansion to weekends if viable.
District Manager: Shaun James, Nelson AA Centre
The Nelson AA Centre is located at 45 Halifax Street, Nelson.