AA Marlborough District Council

The AA’s Marlborough District Council represents AA Members living from Kekerengu in the south to the Marlborough Sounds and Picton in the north and Rai Valley in the west.

Working on behalf of AA Members

The Marlborough AA District Council represents AA Members' interests in a wide range of transport-related issues. Some of the projects the Council is currently engaged in are:

Champion projects

Safer Roads: Continue safety proofing programme of key State Highway sections (safety barriers, removal/treatment roadside hazards, audio/tactile markings)

Visiting Driver Improvements (pavement arrows, signage, turnouts, lookouts)

Slower Vehicle Turnouts (prepare policy based on US and Australian practices)

SH1 Wairau Bridge: Replace for reasons of lifeline resilience. Also long term HPMV service.

SH1 Weld Pass reconstruction: Reconstruct for reasons of travel costs, roughness, resilience.

SH1 Dazzle Corner: Reconstruct out of context curve for reasons of safety and travel costs.

SH1 Pukapaka Bridge (adjoins Weld Pass): Replace aging out of context structure.

SH1 Spring Creek Intersection: Safety improvement of this out of context crossroads.

SH6 Pelorus Bridge: Replace aging single lane, out of context, Callendar Hamilton truss bridge. Susceptible to seismic and vehicle impact damage. Lifeline to Rai and outer Sounds.

SH1 Opawa Bridge: Duplicate narrow bridge on norther entry to Blenheim SH1 Tar Barrel Passing lane. Steep northbound gradient at Waima slows trucks to crawl

The District Councillors are:

  • Robyn Gardener (Chair, National Councillor)

  • Kay Nalsund

  • Micheal Petersen

  • Pat Clay

  • Al Lingham

  • Humphrey Meyers

  • Emily Morgan

  • Tracey Grace

Contacts for AA Members

District Manager: Ingrid Ovenstone, Blenheim AA Centre

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