AA Auckland District Council

The AA’s Auckland District Council represents the mobility interests of the 300,000-plus AA Members living in the Auckland region. The boundaries of the AA’s Auckland District are the same as the local government boundaries for the Auckland Super City.

Working on behalf of AA Members

Infrastructure plans and strategies

On behalf of Auckland AA Members and all Auckland motorists, the AA is closely engaged with the plans and strategies that will shape Auckland’s transport infrastructure future, particularly the Auckland Transport Alignment Project and the Auckland Council’s Long-Term Plan.  On key issues such as where and when to invest in infrastructure, the possibility of congestion charging in Auckland, and new tools to raise revenue for transport, the AA will ensure that the views and interests of motorists are strongly represented. 


The AA has been at the forefront of calls for a stronger focus on congestion relief by local and central government. To back up its advocacy, and to help contribute to a more informed public debate, the AA has developed a congestion monitoring tool, which it uses to track congestion trends and comment on planned and unplanned traffic events.  

Road safety

Road safety remains a key priority for the AA’s Auckland District Council.  The AA is one of a small group of stakeholders providing input into Auckland Transport’s speed management programme, while safety around schools and enforcement of red light running have been ‘champion projects’ for the District Council.  Every meeting of the District Council begins with a ‘Motoring Safety Moment’, in which local road safety concerns are identified and discussed. 

Informing transport decision-making

The AA regularly uses its Member survey capability to provide insights into public sentiment on transport projects and policy decisions.  Increasingly, the AA has done this in collaboration with local and central government agencies (Auckland Transport in particular), to help fill information gaps, give AA Members maximum opportunity to have their say, and achieve the best outcomes for Auckland.  

One of the AA Auckland Council's current projects relates to the North-Western Motorway section between Spaghetti Junction and MOTAT. The variable speeds permitted along this section are up to 80 km/h. However, the AA believes the upper limit should be 100 km/h in line with the original road specification.

Auckland Matters newsletter

Auckland Matters is the AA’s newsletter on Auckland transport infrastructure issues. The aim of the newsletter is to raise awareness, encourage debate, and push for the right policy approaches.  Each edition focuses on a different transport theme, providing insights into the opinions of our Auckland Membership and a set of recommendations for local and central government officials.

Auckland District Councillors

The AA's Auckland District Councillors are:

  • Rachel Hutchens (National Councillor and District Chair)
  • Mark Winger (NZAA President)
  • Michelle Corse-Scott (Board Member)
  • Steven Grant (Board Member)
  • Mark Yates
  • Paul Hesseling
  • Kritika Selach
  • Amit Patel
  • Blair Franklin
  • Nadini Saily (Youth Councillor)

The District Council meets monthly to discuss issues of concern to Auckland motorists, and to consider reports from the Auckland Transport Spokesperson and the Regional Manager. The AGM of the Auckland District Council is held in February each year.

Contacts for AA Members

Regional Manager: Julian Travaglia (jtravaglia@aa.co.nz)