Understanding AA Members' views

To be a voice for our Members on transport issues we need to have a good understanding of their views.

To achieve this we regularly conduct email surveys on a wide range of topics, working hard to make sure genuine and accurate views of our Members are captured.

This page provides information on:

How we survey

Our survey methods depend on the topic we want to explore. For example:  

National transport issueRegional or local transport issue
Most commonly through the AA Member Voices Panel of up to 10,000 Members but we also sometimes use independent survey firms to send survey to their panels from the general publicRandom samples drawn from AA Membership by postcode

Participation is completely voluntary (as with any survey except the Census), but to ensure our results have credibility the size of our survey samples are in line with those used by professional survey or polling businesses.

Click for a more in-depth explanation about how we survey

How we use survey results

The Government and authorities regularly consider changes to transport policies and regulations - from nationwide issues like the make-up of the transport budget and level of fuel tax drivers pay, to local decisions on speed limits and parking charges.

The AA monitors and responds to these proposals at a national level through our Government submissions and at a regional level through our 18 District Councils across the country. We also develop and champion our own ideas for how transport could be improved through things like the AA's Election Calls and Auckland Matters.

There will always be a range of support and opposition to any change, so we use surveys to get insight into our Members' perspectives. This is considered alongside other research, evidence and policy analysis to form the final position the AA takes on an issue.

Examples of some surveys

We conduct a 'Rolling Survey' and 'District Concerns Survey' with the same questions each year to monitor long term trends.   

We also regularly produce one-off surveys on specific issues or a broad range of transport-related topics.

To provide an idea of our survey programme, below is an example of surveys conducted in the second half of 2023:

October 2023 Tauranga Road Pricing Proposal
August 2023 New Zealand New Zealand Media habits
August 2023 North Canterbury Woodend Bypass
July 2023 Auckland Labour Party's New Waitemata Harbour Crossing Plan
June 2023 Wellington and Auckland 30km/h Speed Limits
May 2023 New Zealand Climate Change

Examples of some survey results

Follow the link to see a summary of results from some recent surveys.

On occasion we have published compilations of survey results. The last time we did this was in 2017, which provides useful historical information relevant to that time, but some changes in responses would be anticipated for the same questions asked today.

What our Members think photo

> What Our Members Think – AA Member Surveys, March 2017 (PDF, 6 MB)

This publication summarised the results of 27 surveys, giving a snapshot of AA Members’ views on their cars, alternative transport, congestion, safety, fuel, parking, the environment and more.

Check you are a potential survey recipient

The AA Member Voices Panel is made up of up to 10,000 Members that reflect our Membership demographics and have agreed to regularly receive surveys for their views.

If you are not a part of that panel you could still receive surveys for regional or local issues where random samples of our Members are chosen from our database for individual surveys.

To be eligible to receive a survey invitation, a person must have:

  1. An AA Membership
  2. A unique email address (not shared)
  3. An email address not on the NZ Marketing Association's 'do not send' list
  4. Have agreed to receive AA emails.

Check your contact details are up-to-date by either:

  • Log in (or register) to your MyAA profile to ensure your contact details are correct.
  • Alternatively, you can contact us on 0800 500 444 or email us (select General enquiry).