The AA works to achieve a fair deal and makes submissions on various topics on behalf of New Zealand motorists. These are the AA's response to consultation on proposed changes to transport related legislation and regulations.
Much of the AA's advocacy on behalf of motorists happens behind the scenes through meetings with the government, and Members of Parliament from all political parties to keep motorists' issues top of mind.
While it can be a challenge to represent all views on the wide range of issues that affect motorists, the AA's approach is to work with elected AA District Councillors throughout New Zealand, and to regularly survey Members to gauge their opinions on motoring issues. Because the AA is able to confidently say "the majority of Members believe ..." government and other decision-makers listen.
Agencies such as the New Zealand Transport Agency, Ministry of Transport, the Police and ACC are also regularly engaged to ensure the interests of motorists are accurately represented and considered in policy development and decision-making.
This process of influencing policy includes the preparation of submissions in response to proposed changes to transport-related legislation and regulations.
The AA has strong links with overseas motoring clubs, and works particularly closely with the Australian Automobile Association. These relationships help ensure the AA keeps at the forefront of international experience and best practice in important areas such as road safety and regulations.
Major submissions on transport consultations around the country made in 2024 by the NZ Automobile Association.
Major submissions on transport consultations around the country made in 2023 by the NZ Automobile Association.
Major submissions on transport consultations around the country made in 2022 by the NZ Automobile Association.
Submissions made in 2021 include on the Climate Change Commission's draft advice; Land Transport (Drug Driving) Amendment Bill; Proposed changes to Queen St (Auckland); Select Committee Inquiry into congestion pricing; Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits; Ministry of Transport's consultation on Transport Emissions Pathways to Net Zero by 2050; Infracom's Future Infrastructure consultation; Land Transport (Driver Licensing) Amendment Rule; Land Transport (Clean Vehicles) Amendment Bill; and the Government's Emissions Reduction Plan.
Submissions in 2020 include the Land Transport Rail Legislation Bill, Land Transport (NZTA) Amendment Bill, Infrastructure Funding & Financing Bill, ETS settings
Submissions in 2019 include the Land Transport Wheel Clamping Amendment Bill, the Commerce Commission market study into the retail fuel sector, and Productivity Commission inquiry into local government funding and financing, and more.
Submissions in 2018 include the Government Policy Statement on land transport, the Regional Fuel Tax legislation, and Auckland's long-term plan.
2017 submissions include the Productivity Commission's low-emissions economy discussion paper, the Government Policy Statement on land transport, and electric vehicle legislation.