Drivers, let’s repeat last Easter’s zero road toll

26 March 2013

Drivers, let’s repeat last Easter’s zero road toll

Last Easter New Zealand motorists’ set the gold standard for safe holiday weekend driving and this year the Automobile Association wants a repeat.

A zero road toll last Easter was the first since records began in 1956.

“We now know a zero road toll is possible, so let’s aim high and do it again. To do this, drivers must ensure they and the vehicle they’re driving are up for the job,” says AA Motoring Affairs General Manager Mike Noon.

“Our role behind the wheel is an enormous responsibility. Sunshine or rain, we can run into difficulty if we do not prepare for our drive properly. It could be sunstrike on a dirty windscreen or slippery roads after a shower of rain on a road that has been dry for months.

“Make sure windscreens are clean, tyres have at least 2mm of tread and the correct tyre pressure, and as drivers we are well rested and alert,” he says.

“Let’s also think about other vehicles we share the roads with as if they are being driven by family or close friends. Be considerate, pull over if we’re slowing other people down, take breaks and share the driving to keep fresh, but most of all, enjoy the journey and take it easy.

“The roads will be busy this weekend and there is no point trying to rush or speed, it won’t get us there faster. Police will also be out in force and enforcing the lower holiday tolerance of 4kph, so any speeding is likely to earn an expensive fine,” says Mr Noon.

Tips for drivers:

  • Check tyres and tyre pressures before you head off
  • Clean the windscreen and fill windscreen washer reservoir
  • Plan your journey – check and try to avoid travelling at peak times
  • If you are towing or travelling slower than other traffic, pull over and allow them to pass
  • Take regular breaks, more if travelling with children and share the driving
  • Turn your phone off
  • Don’t rush and enjoy your drive and journey

“Let’s enjoy our long weekend drive, the last weekend of daylight savings, and all return home safely,” says Mr Noon.

For more information contact:

Mike Noon
General Manager Motoring Affairs
New Zealand Automobile Association
T. +64 4 931 9984
M. +64 21 659 704

The New Zealand Automobile Association is an incorporated society with over one million members. It represents the interests of road users who collectively pay over $2 billion in taxes each year through fuels excise, road user charges and GST.

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