AA urges fast action to address ferry infrastructure

25 June 2024

AA urges fast action to address ferry infrastructure

The grounding of the Interislander ferry Aratere over the weekend again highlighted a crucial vulnerability in New Zealand’s transport network, the AA says.  

The Chairs of the AA’s Marlborough and Wellington Districts, Robyn Gardener and Geordie Cassin, say the weekend’s events reinforced the urgent need for a solution to replace the aging ferries and shoreline infrastructure. But equally important is ensuring maintenance needs are met in the meantime so that the connection stays reliable and safe.

“The ferries are a critical component of the State Highway 1 and the rail network, carrying 825,000 passengers, 250,000 cars and $14 billion worth of freight between the North Island and South Island every year.

“It is also a key attraction for international tourists. It is one of the world’s most scenic ferry trips. Both Kiwis and visitors to the county need confidence the journey will be on time and safe.”

The incident follows the Government’s rejection last December of an extra $1.47 billion funding request by KiwiRail to upgrade its aging Cook Strait ferry operation.

“It is concerning that an alternative funding solution is yet to be proposed.”

Compounding issues are highlighting how critical the situation has become. Robyn and Geordie say the Government needs to urgently find a solution that will ensure reliable future movement of passengers and freight as New Zealand’s population grows.

“Upgrades to the ferry fleet and infrastructure have been needed for a long time and having a reliable link between the North and South islands is essential,” they say. 

“We understand that a ministerial advisory group has presented a report to the Government.  We look forward to seeing decisions flowing from that report soon.”

For more information contact:

Robyn Gardener
Chair, Marlborough AA District Council
NZ Automobile Association
Mob: 021 376 233

Geordie Cassin
Chair, Wellington AA District Council
NZ Automobile Association
Mob: 027 776 9420


The New Zealand Automobile Association is an incorporated society with more than 1.1 million Personal Members. It represents the interests of road users who collectively pay more than $2 billion in taxes each year through fuels excise, road user charges and GST.

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