PetrolWatch - January 2010. Two steps forward, one step back

Fuel prices began to edge up during January, with petrol and diesel rising on two occasions, before dropping once later in the month. In total, petrol rose 10 cents per litre and then fell three cents to end the month on $1.73/litre for 91 octane in the main centres, up from $1.66/litre at the start of the year. Diesel initially rose six cents, up from $1.08/litre, before also falling back three cents to finish at $1.11/litre.

3 February 2010

PetrolWatch - January 2010. Two steps forward, one step back

"The pump price increases reflect rises in global commodity prices during late December and early January, with crude oil prices rising as much as 12 percent, and refined petrol and diesel 16-19 percent since the last price change in December," says AA PetrolWatch spokesperson Mark Stockdale.

"However, since then crude oil prices and refined petrol prices have dropped up to 10 percent, although much of this has been offset by a 3-4 cent fall in the value of the NZ dollar in the same period. But international diesel prices have fallen further, and at current costs the AA believes there is scope for oil companies to reduce diesel pump prices," says Mr Stockdale.

Check for credit card fees

The AA reminds motorists that some service stations may now be charging credit card fees, following a recent Commerce Commission agreement permitting retailers to pass on bank fees incurred for processing credit card transactions.

"Some independent service stations are now charging credit card fees which previously they could not recover through the retail price. The AA advises motorists to check whether credit card fees apply, and if so consider paying by cash or eftpos, or shopping elsewhere," says Mr Stockdale.

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For more information contact

Mark Stockdale
AA PetrolWatch Spokesperson
New Zealand Automobile Association
T. +64 4 931 9986
M. +64 21 0220 4700


The New Zealand Automobile Association is an incorporated society with over one million members. It represents the interests of road users who collectively pay over $2 billion in taxes each year through fuels excise, road user charges and GST.

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