AA conducts fuel consumption test

Does driving with a load or with air-conditioning on really use more petrol? Keen to find the truth, the AA's technical advice team took three cars on the road to test the effects of air-conditioning, weight, driving style and tyre pressures on fuel use.

19 March 2010

AA conducts fuel consumption test

Jack Biddle, AA Technical Advice Manager, says "we thought it was time to double check some commonly used fuel saving tips. In particular we wanted to establish which tips actually had the greatest effect on fuel consumption."

The results of the AA test are revealed in the latest edition of AA Directions magazine.

"The test confirmed that driving with low tyre pressure uses over 7% more fuel; driving with air-conditioning off reduces fuel use by more than 8%; and poor driving style can use up to 20% more fuel."

"By changing their driving style and habits, motorists can make considerable savings on their fuel costs," says Mr Biddle.

For more information read the full fuel test story online at www.aadirections.co.nz or in AA Directions Autumn 2010, out now.

For more information contact

Kath Webster
Editor - AA Directions
New Zealand Automobile Association
T. +64 9 966 8962
M. +64 21 563 122
E. kwebster@aa.co.nz


The New Zealand Automobile Association is an incorporated society with over one million members. It represents the interests of road users who collectively pay over $2 billion in taxes each year through fuels excise, road user charges and GST.

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