Media releases

23 July 2009

AA Traffic information to help keep New Zealanders moving

Motorists can access AA Traffic information online at

3 July 2009

PetrolWatch - June 2009. Global fuel prices increase, partly offset by rising New Zealand dollar

Global fuel prices increase, partly offset by rising New Zealand dollar

27 March 2009

AA welcomes life-saving rumble strips announcement

Rumble strips are raised markings on road edges and centrelines which, when driven over, alert a driver with noise and vibration that they are veering out of their lane. This will increase the total length of the state highway network fitted with rumble strips from 600kms to 1,350kms.

3 March 2009

PetrolWatch - February 2009. Fuel prices ebb and flow

AA Senior Policy Analyst Mark Stockdale says "international refined petrol prices stabilised during the month after increasing all through January. Refined prices then began to fall in late February and pump prices followed. However, the size of the pump price drop was diminished by a fall in the New Zealand exchange rate, which then put the brakes on another price reduction."

5 February 2009

Petrolwatch - January 2009. New year fuel prices off to a bad start

AA Senior Policy Analyst Mark Stockdale says "it's been an awful month with Kiwi motorists hit by a double-whammy of rising imported petrol prices and a falling exchange rate.

29 January 2009

Northern Gateway Great News for Motorists

"Motorists can now choose between driving the free coastal route or taking the new toll road which is quicker, safer and saves them fuel," says AA spokesperson Simon Lambourne.

13 January 2009

PetrolWatch - December 2008. Oil prices lowest in five years

Retail petrol prices continued their downward trend, falling 11 cents in December to end the month on $1.33 in the main centres. Diesel fell 17 cents to $1.04 per litre, the lowest price since May 2007. Two price drops in the space of three days in late December came after crude oil prices fell to a low of US$35 a barrel, a level not seen since July 2004.

23 December 2008

I don't want to lose any of my friends and loved ones on the roads this holiday period

"It doesn't have to happen, and it shouldn't happen. I don't want to lose any of my friends and loved ones, and I am sure no one else does either."

8 December 2008

Drive green and save fuel these holidays

AA Motoring Affairs General Manager, Mike Noon, says there is no better time to be using fuel efficient driving techniques, while at the same time reducing the impact cars have on the environment.

4 December 2008

PetrolWatch - November 2008. Unprecedented run of price drops

AA Senior Policy Analyst Mark Stockdale says "fuel prices continue to reflect international trends, with falling worldwide demand translating to lower crude and refined prices. But global demand for diesel is still stronger than petrol which is more price-sensitive - that's why retail diesel prices have not fallen as much of late."

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