Media releases

26 May 2010

Motorists warned to take care as winter traffic incidents soar

AA Traffic spokesman, Phil Allen, says the website currently has 840 identified incidents, including floods, slips, road closures and roadworks.

4 May 2010

PetrolWatch – April 2010. High crude oil prices put pressure on pump prices

“At US$85 a barrel, crude oil has now reached an 18-month high and this has led to an increase in the cost of imported fuels. Fortunately, some of this increase has been offset by a slight improvement in the value of the New Zealand dollar during the month,” says AA PetrolWatch spokesperson Mark Stockdale.

27 April 2010

AA supports Law Commission recommendations to increase alcohol treatment services

AA spokesperson Simon Lambourne says the AA asked for this in its submission to the Alcohol in Our Lives consultation document and the Law Commission has produced a very thorough and thoughtful report.

19 April 2010

AA supports call to review driver licence system

NZ Police has highlighted statistics which show they recorded over 120,000 driver licence breaches last year. New Zealand Transport Agency statistics also show that nearly 200,000 people have been on their learner or restricted licence for more than five years.

15 April 2010

AA supports changes to improve young driver safety

AA General Manager Motoring Affairs Mike Noon says the AA has lobbied for these changes to the Graduated Driver Licence System for a number of years.

7 April 2010

PetrolWatch - March 2010. Petrol prices reach 17-month high

The price of a litre of 91 octane petrol in March increased a total of 8 cents, the first increase in over six weeks and up from $1.73 in the main centres. Diesel rose 5 cents per litre in March to end on $1.16.

31 March 2010

How to avoid a road crash destroying your Happy Easter

Easter is one of our busiest driving weekends, says General Manager of Motoring Affairs Mike Noon.

31 March 2010

AA urges caution around permitting heavier trucks

The Government announced a new permit system today that will allow heavy vehicles to operate outside current mass and dimension limits on certain routes.

19 March 2010

AA conducts fuel consumption test

Jack Biddle, AA Technical Advice Manager, says "we thought it was time to double check some commonly used fuel saving tips. In particular we wanted to establish which tips actually had the greatest effect on fuel consumption."

8 March 2010

AA Traffic alerts drivers to Dome Valley fire

Phil Allen, AA Traffic spokesperson says "this is a classic example of a serious incident that impacted on a very large number of motorists on Sunday. State Highway One was closed due to poor visibility from the smoke and this caused serious disruption to traffic. As soon as we received information from the authorities, we were able to quickly identify the location and warn motorists away from the area."

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