Media releases

4 September 2010

PetrolWatch – September 2010. September fuel prices stable until October tax increases

“Diesel prices have been static for 13 weeks, an incredibly long run and the longest period we have seen without any price change,” says AA PetrolWatch spokesperson Mark Stockdale.

2 September 2010

PetrolWatch – August 2010. Petrol prices drop before October tax increase

“The price reduction follows a 15 percent fall in crude oil costs since early August, with a barrel of oil dropping from around US$83 to US$71 although it has since begun climbing again, says AA PetrolWatch spokesperson Mark Stockdale.

24 August 2010

Caution needed at Blenheim’s Main St Roundabout railway crossing

The AA is using National Rail Safety Week (23-29 August) to highlight dangers for motorists at rail level crossings.

4 August 2010

PetrolWatch – July 2010. ETS has little impact on fuel prices

Petrol and diesel prices dutifully rose three cents per litre on 1 July, before dropping three and two cents per litre respectively a few days later on the back of falling commodity prices.

1 August 2010

ESR report finds drug driving a serious problem

The ESR report was completed for New Zealand Police and indicates that nearly half of drivers who die in road crashes have alcohol and/or drugs in their system.

26 July 2010

AA supports tougher penalties for dangerous and drink driving in New Zealand

The AA also supports the Government’s announcement that it will undertake research to ascertain the actual number of serious and fatal crashes caused by drivers with a blood alcohol level between 0.05 and 0.08.

2 July 2010

PetrolWatch – June 2010

“Pump prices have been relatively stable in June in spite of international commodity prices which have begun rising after falling sharply in May. Fortunately, Kiwi motorists have the stronger New Zealand dollar to thank for offsetting much of those cost increases,” says AA PetrolWatch spokesperson Mark Stockdale.

1 July 2010

Waterview Connection - the keystone in Auckland’s Western Ring Route

The Waterview Connection is the final link in a chain of improvements to Auckland’s Western Ring Route. If work goes ahead on schedule, it will complete the Western Ring Route in 2015, providing a single motorway between Manukau and the North Shore as an alternative to SH1 and the Auckland Harbour Bridge crossing.

15 June 2010

It’s time to watch out for Jack Frost on the roads

AA General Manager of Motoring Affairs Mike Noon says that people need to be particularly careful early in the day and on areas of road that see little sun, are shaded or are at higher altitudes.

4 June 2010

Police's focus must be on dangerous driving

AA General Manager Mike Noon says that with a 4kph tolerance, it will be very easy for the Police to ticket a large number of safe drivers if they choose to and very little benefit will come from that.

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