Media releases

14 July 2011

How to give road crashes the cold shoulder

Be aware of the conditions you’re driving in.

13 July 2011

Facts must support 40km/h speed limit

Evidence rather than ideology must be the basis for deciding whether to reduce Wellington’s residential speed limit from 50km/h, says the AA.

8 July 2011

Importance of southern highways recognised

The AA is pleased that two key roads in Southland have been given greater importance in the country’s just finalised State Highway Classification plan.

5 July 2011

Wellington rail upgrade on right track

The AA has welcomed a significant announcement about the future of the Wellington rail network today.

4 July 2011

PetrolWatch - June 2011. Lower oil prices not flowing through to the pump

Petrol prices were stable during June, ending the month where they began, on $2.06 per litre for 91 octane in the main centres. The retail petrol price increased 2 cents per litre mid-month, before dropping 2 cents a fortnight later. Diesel prices also rose 2 cents, later dropping 5 cents to conclude the month on $1.46 per litre.

2 June 2011

PetrolWatch - May 2011. Prices drop for first time in 8 months

May was a month of extreme contrasts, with petrol prices hitting their highest ever level and then falling for the first time since August 2010.

1 June 2011

AA releases survey results on Auckland transport issues

The AA has released the results of a survey of 6,030 AA Members in Auckland on local transport issues.

4 May 2011

PetrolWatch - April 2011. Petrol prices unchanged, diesel down

Despite rising oil prices, the petrol price stayed at $2.19 a litre during April while diesel prices dropped six cents to end the month on $1.64 a litre.

20 April 2011

AA safety tips for Easter holiday drivers

The AA is pleased to hear the Police will be focusing on a range of dangerous driving behaviour this Easter weekend.

5 April 2011

PetrolWatch - March 2011. March petrol prices rise 16c to match all-time high

The price of petrol rose a total of 16 cents per litre during March to $2.19 a litre for 91 octane, the highest price since July 2008 when prices peaked at $2.19 a litre. The retail price of diesel at most stations rose a massive 27 cents per litre last month to $1.70 a litre, but still short of the $1.92/litre record of July 2008.

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