Media releases

20 December 2011

For safe driving remember the three Cs this Christmas

The best present drivers can give each other this Christmas is safe driving by being considerate, consistent and careful on corners, says the Automobile Association.

2 December 2011

PetrolWatch – November 2011: Petrol down, but diesel up

Retail petrol and diesel prices moved in different directions during November. The price of petrol fell 3 cents per litre, to $2.07 per litre for 91 octane in the main centres, while the price of diesel rose 14 cents per litre to end the month on $1.61 per litre at most outlets.

18 November 2011

AA wants minimum safety standards for all imports

No vehicle with less than a three-star safety rating should be allowed to be imported to New Zealand, says the Automobile Association.

16 November 2011

Fuel-efficient driving could reduce crashes as well as fuel bills

Driving fuel-efficiently could not only save you money but also reduce your chance of being involved in a crash, according to a new study.

4 November 2011

AA responds to Draft Auckland Plan and releases survey results

The AA has today announced its response to The Draft Auckland Plan, and the results of its latest AA Member survey on Auckland transport issues.

2 November 2011

PetrolWatch - October 2011: No price change for seven weeks

Petrol and diesel prices remained unchanged throughout October, at $2.10 a litre for 91 octane petrol in the main centres, and $1.47 a litre for diesel at most outlets.

20 October 2011

AA says timing of Auckland Council plan consultation unacceptable

The Auckland Council decision to undertake the public consultation on the 30-year regional plan at the same time as Auckland hosts the Rugby World Cup has failed.

18 October 2011

Keep your distance this holiday weekend

The AA is urging drivers to focus on their following distance this Labour weekend.

12 October 2011

Transport choices key to thriving central city

The Automobile Association’s Canterbury/West Coast District Council has several concerns over the transport options in the proposed Christchurch City Centre Draft Plan.

4 October 2011

PetrolWatch – September 2011: Lower oil prices offset by falling exchange rate

The price of petrol rose 3 cents-per-litre during September, ending the month on $2.10-a-litre for 91 octane in the main centres, with 95 octane on $2.18 and 98 octane (where sold) on $2.26-a-litre. Diesel prices rose 2 cents during the month, to finish on $1.47-a-litre at most outlets.

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