Media releases

1 November 2012

PetrolWatch - October 2012: Fuel prices down but could go further

After a brief increase early in October, petrol prices continued a downward trend from September to be at their lowest levels in three months.

20 October 2012

Wider speed camera focus will make roads safer

The AA is welcoming the changes to speed cameras coming into force this weekend that will allow them to recognise trucks or vehicles that are towing something.

19 October 2012

Time for renewed focus on following distances

It is time to bring back the ‘only a fool breaks the two second rule’ campaign, says the AA.

16 October 2012

WoF changes can improve road safety

Groups claiming that changes to our Warrant of Fitness (WoF) regime will lead to more road deaths are misleading the public, says the AA.

3 October 2012

AA members support less frequent WoF

The majority of AA members support the idea of an annual Warrant of Fitness for vehicles up to 12 years of age, a survey has found.

1 October 2012

PetrolWatch - September 2012: Fuel prices on their way down

After two months of price increases during which the cost of petrol reached an all-time high, fuel prices fell three consecutive times during September.

19 September 2012

AA welcomes WoF and vehicle licensing system review

The Automobile Association is welcoming the Government’s discussion document proposing reforms to New Zealand’s Warrant of Fitness (WoF) and Annual Vehicle Licence systems.

4 September 2012

PetrolWatch - August 2012: Petrol prices reach all time high

The price of petrol reached a new record during August, with 91 octane rising to $2.23 per litre.

29 August 2012

NZ will benefit from strong transport investment

The AA has welcomed the transport funding plan announced today in the National Land Transport Programme 2012-15.

15 August 2012

Alcohol interlocks a step forward in drink driving battle

Putting alcohol interlocks into the cars of drink drivers will help make our roads safer, says the AA.

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