Media releases

18 November 2014

Stopping drink driving will take more than just lower limit

Stopping drink driving crashes is going to take more than just reducing the adult drink driving limit, says the Automobile Association.

17 November 2014

Authorities must work together for urgent Portobello Rd fix

The Otago Automobile Association is offering to convene an urgent meeting between stakeholders and authorities to address safety concerns with Portobello Road.

17 November 2014

Increased Auckland Council parking charges miss the point – AA

The AA says that if Auckland Transport (AT) wants to reduce the number of private cars commuting to Auckland’s CBD, the focus needs to go on making public transport a more realistic option, not raising parking charges.

4 November 2014

PetrolWatch - October 2014: Four price cuts as commodity prices fall

Retail fuel prices fell four times during October as commodity prices fell for the fourth month in a row. Both petrol and diesel prices fell 8 cents per litre during the month, with the price of 91 octane ending the month on $2.14 per litre at most outlets, and diesel on $1.44 per litre.

29 October 2014

Transport funding debate must focus on benefits

If Auckland Council is to convince the public to pay more to develop new transport projects, it must focus the funding debate on the benefits to users, the AA says.

23 October 2014

Say ‘pass’ to passing this weekend

Be patient before passing is the AA's message for drivers this Labour weekend.

1 October 2014

PetrolWatch – Sep 2014: Lower exchange rate means higher fuel prices

Fuel prices rose 4 cents per litre during September, initially rising 2 cents at the beginning of the month and another 2 cents at the very end. The cost of petrol at most service stations in the main centres ended the month on $2.22 per litre, with diesel at $1.52 per litre.

29 September 2014

AA applauds Waterview progress

The AA congratulates the NZ Transport Agency on reaching the halfway point in construction of the Waterview Connection, a pair of 2.4km tunnels that will complete Auckland’s Western Ring Route.

1 September 2014

PetrolWatch - Aug 2014: Lower petrol prices match falls in commodity prices

Petrol pump prices fell 4 cents per litre during August, but there was no change in diesel prices. Excluding sites discounting pump prices, the cost of petrol at most service stations in the main centres ended the month on $2.18 per litre, with diesel unchanged at $1.48 per litre.

1 August 2014

AA welcomes lower drink-driving limit

Lowering the adult drink driving limit is one good step forward in making our roads safer, says the Automobile Association.

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