
What ID you need

You will need ID to confirm who you are when you come to an AA Centre or AA Driver Licensing Agent.

Be ready with your ID

ID for driver licensing:

For driver licensing transactions you will need one of the below:

  • NZ Driver Licence - current or expired up to two years
  • NZ Passport - current

These need to be the original document, copies will not be accepted. 

If you do not have the above:

You will need one primary document and one supporting document. These need to be the original documents (not copies). At least one of these needs to have a photo of you. 

Primary document

  • NZ Passport - expired up to two years
  • Other Passport - current or expired up to two years
  • NZ Birth Certificate - issued after 1 Jan 1998 with ID number
  • NZ Firearms Licence - current or expired up to two years

Supporting document

  • Kiwi Access Card
  • Overseas Driver Licence
  • Supergold Card
  • Veteran Supergold Card
  • NZ Work ID - photo ID from your employer
  • NZ Student ID - photo ID from your school or university
  • Community Services Card
  • Steps to Freedom Form
  • Utility Bill - from your NZ provider for phone, water. power, internet, etc. (this can be digital)
  • Evidence of IRD number
  • Bank Statement - from a bank in NZ (this can be digital)

If you do not have photo ID, you will need to complete an Identity Referee from Waka Kotahi NZTA.

Identity referee form on Waka Kotahi NZTA website

If you do not have the above documents, please contact us or come to your local AA Centre or AA Driver Licensing Agent so we can advise you on what you can do.

For the most up-to-date details and additional information for driver licensing ID, please see:

Waka Kotahi NZTA full list of ID for driver licensing transactions

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